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How Basic Data Security Training Will Help Keep Your Data Safe

1 Minute Read

Our last post discussed data security and your IT infrastructure – should you house your data in a colocation or in the cloud? Now that your data has a home, how do you protect it?

We often talk about the importance of training when it comes to implementing new software systems or other business processes, and this is no exception.

Training employees is a critical element of security. The best security software/equipment won't help unless employees understand their roles and responsibilities in protecting sensitive data. Providing basic training will build a culture that educates employees on the risks and potential calamities of poor data security. 

So what should you talk to your employees about? Here are a few ideas:

Proper Disposal of Documents and Files

Employees should be trained to understand the differences between acceptable and suspicious links, emails, messages, and/or attachments - even if they know the source. Training on spam filters can also help employees from preventing unwanted/harmful email from entering their inboxes as well.

Good Password PracticesEW_image_keyboard.jpeg

Passwords should be long and strong and include a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Passwords should also be change often and kept private to safeguard the information housed behind them.

Clean Laptops and Other Devices

Your organization should have rules for what employees can download and install on their work computers. Unknown programs and files make your network vulnerable to a variety of security threats.

Saving and Backing Up Work

Employees should be instructed on how to back up and protect their work. Taking the time to do this may prevent potential security risks (and unnecessary headaches!) in the future.

Does your organization provide employee training to help safeguard your important data? If not, you should. Contact us today for more information.

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Joseph Timmins
