The ISO 9000 family of quality management standards was designed to help businesses meet customer and stakeholder needs while also addressing legal and regulatory requirements.
There have been some recent changes made to the ISO standard.
These changes focus on management processes and improved performance achievement. The standards are now applicable to a broader variety of businesses, which should lead to improved efficiency.
So, what specific areas are impacted by these changes and what benefits can you derive from them?
Let’s take a look....
Risk Management
The new ISO 9001:2015 standard introduces a risk-based approach to resource allocation – or that companies should assign limited resources to focus on areas of high concern. Implementing risk-based compliance programs will help identify, monitor, and reduce compliance risks in your operations.
Business Opportunities Identification
Under the new ISO 9001:2015 QMS standard, organizations can easily identify process/ bottom line improvements during risk assessments.
Increased Leadership Commitment to QMS Operations
With greater emphasis now placed on leadership, the new ISO 9001:2015 standard
was revised to drive greater involvement from senior managers employing QMS, potentially resulting in highly motivated employees focused on achieving goals and strategic objectives.
Easy Integration of Management Systems
The high-level structure of the new standard, also referred to as Annex SL, makes the integration of two or more management systems easier than ever.
Increased Competitive Advantage
With its new enhancements and improved structure, the new ISO 9001:2015 standard will boost customer confidence in certified organizations, making these businesses the preferred partner of choice.
Is your business ISO certified? The experts at Acuity would love to discuss how our ERP systems work hand-in-hand with compliance. Your business goals with the additional benefits of implementing the new ISO 9001:2015 standard will put your business ahead of the pack. Contact us today for more information.