Actively Road-Mapped Modern ERP vs. Maintenance-Mode Legacy ERP
There’s a significant distinction in the small to midsized enterprise (SME) market space between legacy enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and modern ERP systems like SAP Business One. Admittedly, transitioning ERPs presents a hurdle for most customers, so they can be resistant to change. To exploit this, some organizations (acquirers) purchase SME ERP legacy software companies.
Why? For a revenue stream. The acquirers get the software companies’ old code, captive (fearful) customer base, support revenue, and maintenance contracts. Banking on hopes that most customers won’t leave, this can pay off – for them. They have little need to invest in the product other than keeping up with necessities like Microsoft updates. There’s also no need to seek new site sales – who wants 30-year-old code?
Acquirers also invariably slash costs. And what does the customer get? Practically nothing. No roadmap, no new functionality, same old same old (‘old’ being the operative word) – just the hope that their SW will last a little longer and the dreaded “sunset” announcement isn’t imminent.
Luckily, more customers are sniffing this out and committing to modern ERPs like SAP Business One. SAP is adding customers at a significant rate, mostly from the SME space. Business One gets checkmarks against all the things legacy ERPs don’t – plus more. Roadmap, yes. New functionality, yes. Plus a wide breadth of installs, a well-established partner channel, vetted solution partners, planning for newer technology (AWS cloud, IOT, blockchain … to mention a few), a better user interface, and the backing of a public company that isn’t just grabbing a revenue stream.
That's the definition of SAP Business One: a great product with a well-road-mapped future and a history of providing ever-increasing value to its customers.
It’s time to see the advantages of moving off your legacy ERP system! Easy? No. Worth it? Definitely!
Future-proof your business by running SAP Business One. Contact Acuity – we can help.