Although it’s a big decision, it’s the correct decision. Think of how advanced things you use daily have become. Who wants to be watching television on a CRT, driving a car with chrome bumpers while unfolding a map, using a pay phone, or buying a newspaper from a box on a street corner?
So why would you run your business on old ERP technology? Surprisingly, we still see many COBOL, character-based systems that were fine in their day but really need to go. A good rule of thumb is that if the underlying technology of your ERP system is over 10 years old, strongly consider a replacement. And make no mistake; it’s not simply about having slick technology – there are much more important business reasons to do so.
Here are a few:
- Newer systems are more user-friendly – this makes users happy, shows you’re willing to invest, and increases retention. Remember: if you have an old system, your users are using better technology at home than what they have in the office. That’s not good.
- If you want to attract young talent, you can’t do it with old technology. Most millennials believe in going green, but no millennials believe in green screens.
- Newer ERP systems have broadened their reach. Integration has been simplified through technology, and mission-critical applications like EDI, eCommerce, warehouse management, mobile, and reporting are all easier in newer systems. Far from niceties, these applications are necessities for many companies. (Aka the cost of doing business.)
- Consider the value of your company. If you’re talking to outside investors, succession planning, or, unfortunately, are subject to an audit, a robust system is your saving grace. If you have offline systems because you couldn’t integrate, an investor may walk away, a family member may pass on taking the reins, or an auditor may cite you.
- If you pick a widely used ERP system, your company can take advantage of best practices. You can share in the community of users who’ve realized true benefits by deploying newer systems. (Browse the web; there’s no shortage of success stories.)
Is your business considering an ERP solution? If so, the Acuity team would love to discuss the benefits of implementing SAP’s Business One solution to get your business running lean and mean! SAP Business One is the most widely used SME ERP package – it rocks. Visit our website or contact us today for more information.